التوجهات الاستراتيجية لكلية الطب البشري والعلوم الصحية بجامعة إب:
Strategic Directions for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences- Ibb University
رؤية الكلية Faculty Vision
To become a pioneer in medical education and scientific research locally and regionally, meeting community's needs in a humane professional context
التميز محليا وإقليميا في التعليم الطبي والبحث العلمي، بما يلبي احتياجات المجتمع في سياق مهني إنساني
رسالة الكلية Faculty Mission
To prepare distinguished medical and research graduates who embody professional values, competitive spirit, keeping pace with scientific developments, societal needs, and national and regional accreditation standards, utilizing well-designed practical study programs, continuous education in a conducive learning environment, professional teaching staff, and active community partnerships.
تسعى كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية إلى إعداد كادر طبي وبحثي متميز، يتمثل القيم المهنية، قادراً على المنافسة، ومواكباً للتطورات العلمية، وملبياً لاحتياجات المجتمع، وبما يحقق معايير الاعتماد الوطني والإقليمي؛ من خلال برامج دراسية تطبيقية مجودة، وتعليم مستمر في بيئة تعليمية داعمة وكادر تدريسي محترف، وشراكة مجتمعية فاعلة.
أهداف الكلية Aims of the Faculty
The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences aim to:
1.Qualify distinguished medical staff, highly competent cadre in the medical field.
2.Provide students with basic knowledge of biomedical and clinical medical sciences.
3.Offer students basic knowledge of the medical environment to be applied when dealing with complex clinical cases.
4.Enhance students’ ability to evaluate patients and manage their health problems through taking comprehensive medical history and clarifying clinical ambiguity.
5.Equip students with the scientific methods in medical diagnosis, treatment, and medical tests to be utilized in solving patients' problems.
6.Provide students with basic knowledge to understand the impact of different life stages, gender differences, various lifestyles, genetic, psychological, social, and epidemiological factors on the spread of diseases and methods of prevention.
7.Empower students with knowledge of the basic concepts of preventive and rehabilitative medicine and acute medical problems diagnosis so as students can apply such knowledge in clinical practice.
8.Equip students with patient communication skills and the ability to acquire clinical examination skills and proper use of diagnostic tools.
9.Practice appropriate professional conduct with patients and adhere to professional standards of ethical conduct, working harmoniously as one team.
10.Activate partnerships with civil society institutions and relevant local, regional, and international entities to provide a stimulating and supportive educational environment that serves to enhance public health efforts and community safety.
11.Equip students with self-learning skills and the use of information technology, medical evidence, and scientific research to keep up with specialization developments.
إعداد وتأهيل كوادر طبية متميزة متخصصة ذات كفاءة عالية في المجال الطبي.