Meaning of Some Names of Yemeni Areas
Meaning, Areas, YemenAbstract
Important Objectives: This research aimed to show the meaning(s) of some names of Yemeni areas using the analytical descriptive approach. For this end, it was ranged into topics or categories based on the names of the areas concerned in that each category of homogenous names constituted a topic, e.g., ''Ogennah, Ogennat, Ogaynat'', ''Hubaish, Mahabesha, Gabal Habashi'', ''Haseb, Hasaba, Yahsob'', Hugaria, Ahgoor, Ahager'', ''Demna, Domnat, Domaina'', ''Rayma, Yareem, Tareem, Rayman'', ''Sana'a, Sena'ah, San'a'', ''Yafe'a, Mayfa'ah, Mayfa'a, Ayfoo'a'', etc. That is, they were all 19 topics. Finally, this study concluded that Yemenis called their areas in line with different motives such as grandfathers or tribes, geographical shapes, professions, etc. These names were as old as the standard Arabic.